Labor brokers are not permitted to charge foreign workers a brokerage feefor contract completion transfers or continued employment -宣導品-宣導專區-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


標題:Labor brokers are not permitted to charge foreign workers a brokerage feefor contract completion transfers or continued employment


▍Labor brokers are not permitted to charge foreign workers a brokerage feefor contract completion transfers or continued employment 

My contract is nearly up and I’d like to transfer to a different employer but the labor broker said foreign workers who want to transfer employers have to pay a brokerage fee, is that true?


In accordance with existing regulations, whether a foreign worker seeks contract completion continued employment or a contract completion transfer, labor brokers are not permitted to charge a brokerage fee. Only when additional services are provided can a service fee be charged and starting from the third year the maximum is NT$1,500 per month.

If you encounter a labor broker who charges for items not included in the regulations or overcharges call the 1955 Hotline and file a complaint.