Can intermediate skilled workers transfer between industries?-宣導品-宣導專區-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


標題:Can intermediate skilled workers transfer between industries?


▍Can intermediate skilled workers transfer between industries?

Basically:Intermediate skilled workers should engage in the same category of work

Exceptions:If any of the following conditions are met a cross-industry transfer is permitted:

1.Transfer procedure: When a foreign worker goes to a public employment services agency and registers for a transfer, only if no employer from the same industry registers for continued employment for 14 consecutive days can an offer from an employer for continued employment in a different industry be accepted.

2.Industries to which a foreign worker is legally qualified to transfer.

3.Where an employer seeks to continue the employment of a foreign worker across industries and meets the employment qualifications for the work category in question.

If you have any other questions call the toll-free 1955 Hotline (extension 4)

Long-term Retention of Migrant workers Service Center (03) 659-1996