Temporary placement for foreign workers-宣導品-宣導專區-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


標題:Temporary placement for foreign workers


▍Temporary placement for foreign workers

In the following situations regulations stipulate that foreign workers will be provided with temporary placement:

1.When waiting for an employer transfer or repatriation to one’s country of origin and the local government determines the employer is unable to suitably care for or manage the worker concerned.

2.When an employer closes a factory or goes out of business or the responsible person goes missing and the local government determines the worker has no one to provide accommodation.

3.In the event of a labor dispute when the worker accuses the employer of malpractice or for any other reason the local government determines it would be inappropriate for the worker to remain in the residence provided by the employer.

4.Inappropriate treatment (including sexual assault, sexual harassment, mistreatment, physical assault, willful abandonment etc) by an employer, employer representative, responsible person, or individual responsible for labor affairs on behalf of an employer, care recipient, or other family member who shares a residence, when said treatment is confirmed by the local government.

5.Any other foreign worker the competent authority determines needs temporary placement, decided on a case by case basis.

6.When the underage children of a foreign worker encounter any of the above situations.

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